Compassion Circle Coaching

You deserve some indulgence after a long day!

But . . . 

Are your choices depleting your energy level as well as

increasing your waistline and health risks?

Are you feeling out of control?

Frustrated with lack of willpower?

I get it! 

What if you deserve MORE?

Wouldn't it be great to wake up energized every morning?

You need to know what's in my report.


What the Alcohol Industry Doesn't Want You to Know


No spam. Only relevant offers.



Laura Deter is a compassionate and loving companion on the journey to Freedom from alcohol. She has been caught in its trap and understands the challenges 

As someone who is highly sensitive and empathic, she continues to learn and practice strategies to deal with life. She knows without a doubt that numbing away the overwhelm only makes it show up bigger the next day. Laura feels great knowing that whatever life brings, she CAN handle it. 

Since becoming alcohol free in 2020, handling the loss of her mother and four knee surgeries has helped her realize how grateful she is for having healthier coping mechanisms. Laura is learning more and more every day about being a better coach, wife, mom and human being. She’s got your back.


 Read my latest article that was published in the June 2023 edition of Your Health Magazine! 

glass of alcohol 


Client Testimonials:


"Laura was a listening ear when I randomly clicked a link to, what turned out to be, a live interaction--one-on-one--with another human being.  THAT human turned out to be Laura Deter; a woman in my age bracket (hey, age sometimes matters) and therefore with a unique combination of age-related and long-term-relational related issues in common with my own.  She was a breath of fresh air when I needed it.  Thank you, Laura!"


"Laura’s coaching helped me grow in self-love and become free of dependence on alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic - and I never was one. Her communication was open and she was always understanding of my emotions and feelings. I was able to release negative energy and build positive healthy habits. She's been down the path of depending on alcohol and that understanding made the process work. 
I’m feeling and looking better and able to make sound judgments with a clear mind. I love being present for my children - they’re the most important thing in my life." 


*Information or suggestions provided by Laura Deter or Compassion with Laura, on this site or elsewhere, are not intended as professional medical or psychological advice. If you are reducing or eliminating alcohol from your life,  and/or drastically changing your diet, please be in contact with your medical care providers.